
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Products We Love: Atlas Pepper Mill

by Michelle

  This mill grinds peppercorns. Why do I state the obvious, you might ask? Because most commercial pepper mills today actually mash the peppercorns which prohibits the spice from fully releasing its flavor potential. Oh dear, she exclaims, we wouldn't want that! Everything, afterall, should have the opportunity to live up to its full potential. On a more serious note...
 The mills have been made in Greece for the past 300 years. Some traditions are made to be broken, but I like this one. I appreciate that it works like a champ and has a history, but what I think I like most is how handsome it is. Thank goodness I don't have to feel shallow over choosing beauty over function; I get them both in one tool that is designed to last a lifetime or two.
   Beauty does come with a hefty price tag (by pepper mill standards.) I purchased mine many years ago from Amazon for $65.00 plus shipping. When I looked this morning, the price is still roughly the same. The mill is available in three colors: copper, brass and chrome. I am partial to anything made of copper, so for me the copper wins hands down. Linda owned hers first. As usual, Linda was and is quite the trailblazer in the gadget department. Juliette will probably find one gently used at a thrift shop for five dollars (remind me sometime to tell you about her Vitamix find).
   The company also makes salt mills in the same general design. One or both would make a wonderful gift for just about anyone including a bride and groom. You don't have to be a chef to appreciate the taste and eye appeal of freshly ground pepper or to have a beautiful and useful tool on display in your kitchen.

P.S. My pepper mill always stands in the little decorative dish as pictured to catch the stray pepper that would otherwise litter my countertop (which Linda also did first).  

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